


二焦点ビュー(Bifocal View)

Bifocal View (1982)

こうした手法のさきがけは、1982年にRobert Spenceが発表しています。

The image from “Data Base Navigation: an Office Environment for the Professional“.

遠近ウォール(Perspective Wall)

The Perspective Wall (1991)

The image from “The perspective wall: Detail and context smoothly integrated“.

魚眼ビュー (Fish­ Eye View)

Generalized Fisheye Views (1986)

The image from “Generalized Fisheye Views“.

Fisheye Menu (2000)

The image from “Fisheye Menu“.

Graphical Fisheye Views (1993)

The image from “Graphical Fisheye Views“.

ハイパーボリック・ブラウザー(Hyperbolic Browser)

Hyperbolic Geometry (1995)

The image from “A Focus+Context Technique
Based on Hyperbolic Geometry
Visualizing Large Hierarchies.

3D Hyperbolic Space (1998)

The image from “Exploring Large Graphs in 3D Hyperbolic Space“.